以下是根据David.Silver的强化学习课程和《Deep Reinfocement Learning Tutorial》整理:
Basic RL
- The RL Problem : trial-and-error learning
- Game View
- Environment
- Agent/Player
- Components
- Reward: Env -> Agent
- Action: Agent
- Observation: Agent
- State: Env/Agent
- Exploration & Exploitation
- Exploration finds more information about the environment
- Exploitation exploits known information to maximise reward
- Prediction & Control
- Prediction: evaluate the future
- Control: optimize the future
- Game View
- Major Components of an RL Agent
- Policy: agent’s behavior function, map from state to action
- Value Function: predictions about the future, Expected future reward
- Model: agent’s representation of the environment
- Markov Decision Process
- Intro
- MDP formally describe an environment for reinforcement learning
- Almost all RL problems can be formalized as MDPs.
- Markov Process $<S, P>$
- S is a (finite) set of states
- P is a state transition probability matrix
- Markov Reward Process $<S, P, R, \gamma>$
- R is a (expected) reward function
- $\gamma$ is a discount factor, $\gamma$ in [0,1]
- Markov Decision Process $<S, A, P, R, \gamma>$
- A is a finite set of actions
- Bellman Equation
- recursion for expected rewards
- $v = R + \gamma Pv$
- iterative methods for large MRPs
- Dynamic Programming
- Monte-Carlo Evaluation
- Temporal-Difference Learning
- Intro
- Multi-Armed Bandits
- Regret: opportunity loss for one step
- Minimizing total regrets
- epsilon-greedy algorithm
- decaying epsilon-greedy algorithm
- Upper Confidence Bound
- Thompson Sampling
Prediction & Control
- Model-Related: Dynamic Programming
- Why Dynamic Programming for MDP?
- Bellman equation gives recursive decomposition [Overlapping subproblems]
- Value function stores and reuses solutions [Optimal substructures]
- Full Backup
- Policy Iteration: $\pi’(s)=argmax_{a \in A} q^\pi(s,a)$
- Value Iteration:$V’(s)=max_{a \in A}(R_s^a+\gamma\sum_{s’ \in S}P_{ss’}^aV(s’))$
- Why Dynamic Programming for MDP?
- Model-Free: no knowledge of MDP transitions / rewards
- Goal: learn $ V^\pi $ online from experience under policy $ \pi $
- Sample Backup
- Monte-Carlo Learning
- No bootstrapping(不做局部采样)
- All episodes must terminate(所有采样必须到终态)
- Update value $V(S_t)$ towards actual return $G_t$
- $V(S_t)=V(S_t)+\alpha(G_t-V(S_t))$
- high variance, zero bias
- Temporal-Difference Learning
- learns from incomplete episodes, by bootstrapping (局部采样)
- updates value $V(S_t)$ towards estimated return $R_{t+1}+\gamma V(S_{t+1})$
- $V(S_t)=V(S_t)+\alpha(R_{t+1}+\gamma V(S_{t+1})-V(S_t))$
- low variance, some bias
- more efficient
Approaches to Reinforcement Learning
- Value-based Deep RL
- Estimate the optimal value function Q*(s,a)
- Deep Q-Networks, $D(s,a,w) \approx Q*(s,a)$
- Improvements
- Double DQN
- Experience Replay
- Prioritized replay
- Dueling network
- Policy-based Deep RL
- Search directly for the optimal policy $\pi*$
- Actor-Critic Algorithm
- Deep DPG
- Model-based Deep RL
- Build a model of the environment